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Plausible Analytics Field Reference

Bounce Rate

The average bounce rate

Field Type:Metric


Name of the browser vendor. Most popular ones are Chrome, Safari and Firefox

Field Type:Dimension

Browser Version

Version number of the browser used by the visitor

Field Type:Dimension


ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the visitor country

Field Type:Dimension


Day / Month / Year

Field Type:Dimension


Device type. Possible values are Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile

Field Type:Dimension

Entry Page

Page on which the visit session started (landing page)

Field Type:Dimension

Event Name

Name of the custom event triggered. Can be used with the Visitors metric to see the number of unique times a custom event is triggered

Field Type:Dimension

Exit Page

Page on which the visit session ended (last page viewed)

Field Type:Dimension

Goal Name

Name of the custom goal triggered. Can be used with the Visitors metric to see the number of unique goal conversions

Field Type:Dimension

Goal Custom Prop

Custom property of the goal triggered. Can be used with the Visitors metric to see the number of unique goal conversions for each custom prop

Field Type:Dimension

Operating System

Name of the operating system. Most popular ones are Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. Linux distributions are reported separately

Field Type:Dimension

Operating System Version

Version number of the operating system used by the visitor

Field Type:Dimension


Pathname of the page where the event is triggered

Field Type:Dimension


The number of pageviews

Field Type:Metric


Raw Referer header without http://, http:// or www

Field Type:Dimension


ISO 3166-2 code of the visitor region

Field Type:Dimension


Visit source, populated from an url query parameter tag (utm_source, source or ref) or the Referer HTTP header

Field Type:Dimension

UTM Campaign

Raw value of the utm_campaign query param on the entry page

Field Type:Dimension

UTM Content

Raw value of the utm_content query param on the entry page

Field Type:Dimension

UTM Medium

Raw value of the utm_medium query param on the entry page

Field Type:Dimension

UTM Source

Raw value of the utm_source query param on the entry page

Field Type:Dimension

UTM Term

Raw value of the utm_term query param on the entry page

Field Type:Dimension

Visit Duration

The total duration of visits in seconds

Field Type:Metric


The number of unique visitors

Field Type:Metric


The number of visits/sessions

Field Type:Metric